THE first petition you sign with your voice, not your hand.
Signing petitions is a pain in the arm. But Malaria Must Die needs millions of signatures if it is to continue to put enough pressure on world governments to end the world’s oldest and deadliest disease once and for all. The answer was simple. Let everyone sign with their voice instead. So we created the world’s first voice petition (which was the hard bit). A web app that, once enabled, allowed us to capture people saying three simple words; Malaria must die. To launch the idea we used another piece of cutting edge technology. In a 60 second film, David Beckham appeared to speak 9 different languages thanks to ‘deep fake’ face mapping tech. The 9 voices came from people around the world directly affected by this most dreadful of diseases. Together, both the launch film and the web app itself mean the charity is well on its way to delivering 10million+ voice signatures to the UN assembly in September. Taking the concept of ‘speaking up’ to a whole new level.
Role: GCD/Writer