DIgital innovation comes to the bedroom

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Two amazing facts – a) 55% of people are ‘very’ dissatisfied with their sex life, and b) 78% of people admit their mobile or tablet is getting in the way of their relationships (indeed, 5% of people admit to updating their Facebook profile whilst actually having sex!!!).  When we combine these it showed a very clear role for how Durex could bring to life their brand promise to help couples ‘love sex’. We created a spoof app that we said could help them achieve more and better orgasms. The resulting launch video shocked them.  So much so it was watched by nearly 80 million people globally. And here are two more amazing facts – a) a massive 80% of these views were earned rather than bought, and b) this was YouTube’s most successful branded ad ever in that it had the lowest cost-per-view of any ad ever.

Role: ECD


How else could we make people aware that so many of them were missing out on a more exciting sex life? We created the world’s first radio ad you can watch. On two popular radio stations we repeatedly played the soundtrack to a very erotic commercial. If you opened up the Durex app at the same time the two synched up immediately and you could actually watch what you’d otherwise have missed if you didn’t have that Durex app. The app also took you through to the Durex e-commerce site introducing people to whole new world of sex aids, lubes and other wonderful gadgets. Nearly a million people shopped at the store in just 6 weeks.