the venture - inspiring change through social entrepreneurs

There are two global super whiskies - Johnnie Walker and Chivas. And whilst Johnnie Walker has always been about ambition and singular success for yourself, Chivas is about the collective: we win together, we celebrate together. For years they just advertised the fact. But how could we go beyond that and prove it? The answer was to go back to the start. 215 years ago the Chivas brothers founded the brand as a social enterprise i.e. they would make money but everyone around them would feel the benefit as well. Inspired by this we created The Venture - a global competition to find the next generation of social entrepreneurs. $1M for people who want to save the world and get rich trying. Because there’s a new way to win – the right way. 

Role: ECD

The whole campaign was a huge multi media event incorporating podcasts, posters, print, advertorials, outreach programmes and 7 beautifully produced, inspirational films like this one: